Polly po-cket
QUOTES:"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."
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* edwardmicheal Due to the numerous "i want to start programming, which language should i start with" threads on this board i decided to create a thread that will address this issue. I am not a wonderful writer and i won't say i know it all but i will try. I urge every one on this board to correct me where i err an also contribute in whatever way you can to make this thread worth it. I will try as much as possible not to be biased in this write up.

I am not going to go into detail in defining what programming is because i will assume before entering this thread you should already know what programming is. But in summary programming is the act of creating whatever you want with your brain and computer programming is the act of creating whatever you want with your brain and a computer. You can read more from
http://en.wikipedia.org /wiki/Computer_programming
Programmers could also be called software programmers, software developers and other big-big names you can think of.
Feel free to ask your questions, i will try and answer the ones i can my Ogas in the house will help me with those i can't answer
Please every Programmer should try as much as possible to check on this thread once in a while to help answer some questions Newbies would like to ask.
2014-09-26 02:48 · Reply · (0)

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